My wife and I have an exciting opportunity to go on a mission trip to Hungary in early August of this year. Back in 2012, the Hungarian government passed a law which transferred responsibility for each public school in the country from the government to a non-profit organization. Hungarian Baptist Aid saw this as a God-given opportunity and took responsibility for 49 of the poorest schools in Hungary with a total of 17,000 children. Through partnership with North Carolina Baptists on Mission, Bible camps are held at several of these schools during the summer and our team will be providing one of these camps on our trip.
The week-long camp is an opportunity for students to learn about American culture, improve their English, and learn about God. The format is similar to a typical VBS with children rotating through different stations with their age group. (The stations are: English, American Culture, Music, Crafts, Games, and Bible story). The difference is that the setting is a classroom in a public school and the chaperones are teachers who also have little exposure to the Gospel. We will also have opportunities to serve the families of the students with food and other items during the week as we share the love of Jesus with them. Since Hungarian Baptist Aid started this ministry, over 1000 people have made decisions to follow Christ. We can’t wait to see what God might do to change lives on this trip!
As you know, travel is expensive these days, so if you would like to support this ministry, we would greatly appreciate it. You can click the “donate” button below to give through my wife’s PayPal account. If you want your contribution to be tax deductible, you should send a check to Pleasant Garden Baptist Church, 1415 Neelley Road, Pleasant Garden, NC 27313. PGBC is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit religious foundation and all tax-deductible gifts will be properly receipted. Make checks payable to “Pleasant Garden Baptist Church” with “Hungary Mission” in the memo line (because of IRS Regulations, any checks with my name on them will be returned to the donor.) Enclose a note with the check with your personal information and my name on it, so that I will be credited for the gift.
Secondly, whether or not you can support this trip financially, I would ask that you pray over me and my wife and the rest of the team that is going. Pray that God would use this time to impact lives and draw people to Him. There are lots of logistics to work out and you can pray that those go smoothly as well. Thank you for this support.
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