I’m very excited to tell you about a ministry I will be participating in this summer called “Starting Point: Building Your Band.” Our team at Pleasant Garden Baptist will be teaching rising 5th through 9th graders the basics of band instruments, vocals, and tech and give them the opportunity to actually perform in a band within a time frame of four days. For those that have followed the blog for a while, this is basically the camp that we’ve done in Jamaica the last two summers – we’ve brought it home to our American church. We’ve condensed it as far as number of days in order to cut costs, and it will be a challenge to see if we can get everything done that we want to accomplish. But I am very much looking forward to it!
I will be one of the bass guitar instructors at the camp. I had decided that I would take a year off from overseas missions, so I am happy to have a chance to do a short local mission right in my own community. This age group is often eager to learn how to play guitar, drums, etc. and this camp really points that interest in the right direction by teaching them through the use of modern praise and worship music. The plan is for each student to get a book of chord charts of worship music that they can keep to learn and practice with. The camp will end with a cookout for the students and their families and a worship concert on Saturday evening that will feature the top two student groups in the finale of our camp’s Battle of the Bands!
The camp will take place June 15 through the 18th. For more information or to register, click here for the Building Your Band website. Finally, if you are interested in supporting the camp or helping out, contact me and let me know.
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